It is strongly recommended that the Ph.D thesis in Experimental Physics be written in English in order to facilitate its availability to the scientific community. In addition to the traditional archive procedure (one copy is stored in the National Library in Florence and a second one in Rome) an online archive provides free access from the Ph.D Web Page to the written elaborates (in .pdf file format).
Whenever the Ph.D student has a valid argument to choose another language, he/she should contact the Coordinator and ask for approval by the Consiglio dei Docenti. The Ph.D theses are written in A4 format and the cover page and binding follow a uniform standard (please contact the Segreteria del Dottorato in Fisica Sperimentale for details and instructions).
During the year, 2 sessions are devoted to the dicussion of the Ph.D theses. The written elaborate shall be ready approximately 4 weeks before the discussion. Therefore the deadline for the delivery of the written elaborate are :
1st session
2nd session
Please contact via e-mail the secretariat of the School for detailed instructions about the format, number of copies and electronic delivery of the thesis manuscript: